Good News For Exhausted People

Good News For Exhausted People

It’s been an exhausting season for many of us. From pastors to teachers to nurses to stay-at-home moms to construction workers, it seems like most everyone is tired.

In the midst of this weariness, Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11 is one we need to attend to.

Culture Is a Garden, Not a Battlefield

Culture Is a Garden, Not a Battlefield

The call here is simple, yet profound: stop fighting to dominate culture, start tending and nurturing so that we can all live in a culture in which health, growth, and reconciliation thrive, as God intended.

Summers Are For Mission

Summers Are For Mission

Summer isn’t a throwaway season for ministry.

It’s prime time for some of God’s most exciting work.

Six Powerful Questions For Disciple-Makers

Six Powerful Questions For Disciple-Makers

If you’re a ministry leader who wants to help your people live out Jesus’ call to make disciples, then one of the best things you can do is learn how to ask powerful questions. Here I six that I use regularly.

The Party

The Party

What is your table for? How do you use it? Is it an opportunity to bless others and bring people together? Or a chance to lift yourself up? Is it about your enjoyment of your own status? Or your enjoyment of the specific people God has placed around you?

Powerlessness And Mission

Powerlessness And Mission

God doesn't need your power.

All He needs is your willingness.

And in those moments when you feel powerless it turns out you are perfectly positioned to be used by God.

But I Don't Like to Fish!

But I Don't Like to Fish!

I’ve always wrestled with the “fishers of men” invitation Jesus gave to His first disciples. It always seemed a little un-relatable to me personally. I mean, I get it. They were being called to focus on people instead of fish.

Then I realized that He was talking to FISHERMEN...DUH!

Starting CHRCH Online

Starting CHRCH Online

We have discovered that online church may not for be everyone, but it is definitely for some. The technology has given us the ability to reach far beyond the church walls and, as in our case, create a community that has no walls and no boundaries. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about the future of ministry and I’m echoing the words of that Switchfoot song: “I can’t go back to how it was.”

"When The Glory of God Goes Low" : An Advent Reflection

"When The Glory of God Goes Low" : An Advent Reflection

God’s glory is a big deal. And every now and then God’s people got a little glimpse of it. But the prophets spoke of a day when God’s glory would finally be revealed to all.

This is what it looks like when God’s glory goes low.