"Light of the World" : An Advent Reflection

"Light of the World" : An Advent Reflection

From healthcare, to education, to history, to science, to art, to human rights, Jesus, the light of the world, and his movement of light-bringers have impacted human history and human present in a way that no other person or movement has.

What is that? That’s the light breaking in.

"I Am" : An Advent Reflection

"I Am" : An Advent Reflection

In acknowledging Jesus as the great "I Am," we must come to terms with the fact that Jesus is not an idea to be pondered or a knickknack to be admired on our shelf of religious relics and responsibilities.

He is the very face of God.

We Need New Metrics

We Need New Metrics

This conversation is critical. People go after what we celebrate. So we have to make sure that we celebrate and measure the right things.

Jesus, Resistance And The Trembling Darkness

Jesus, Resistance And The Trembling Darkness

"If you don't believe demons are real, try planting a church. You won’t get very far in advancing God’s kingdom without feeling resistance from the enemy." - Darrin Patrick

Take A Breath

Take A Breath

We can’t minister without rest, because the rest IS ministry.

Would You Invite Jesus To Your Party?

Would You Invite Jesus To Your Party?

This summer, I’ve been given a significant amount of thought to Jesus’ behavior. Asking questions like, what did he do? How did he conduct himself? And who did he associate with? I’ve noticed something peculiar about him. Quite frankly, he didn’t operate with a tremendous amount of social propriety. And he didn’t seem to have much patience with religious the folk of his day.

Planting Cool Churches? Don't Believe The Hype

Planting Cool Churches? Don't Believe The Hype

I love church planting. I’ve committed much of my life to it. My passion is to see new churches planted that transform lives, serve neighborhoods and impact cities. But over the years I’ve seen a kind of church planting that I worry has the potential of doing as much damage as it does good.

Knoxville 2.5 Day :: July 16-18

Knoxville 2.5 Day :: July 16-18

You are invited for a friendly time of fresh inspiration, relational encouragement, and specialized training to engage in what Holy Spirit is speaking to us today as a multiplication-minded movement.

Together we will reframe how we express the gospel where we live, work, and play, reimagine how we do mission and community, and share failures and successes as we center all things around Jesus.