There is power in a request.  We all have felt it.  Someone asks us to do something and we really don’t want to do it.  But because we feel awkward saying no, sometimes we say yes.  Have you ever found yourself avoiding someone because you knew they were going to ask you to do something?  Doesn’t that show us just how powerful requests are.  We will avoid them when at all possible.    

Which is why it is strange, knowing the power of the request, that we don’t make requests of God.  The Creator of the Universe has given us an open invitation to come to His very throne and actually “use” the power of the request on Him.  He says ask!  James even tells us that “you do not have because you do not ask.”  (James 4: 2) Think of it!   There are things God is willing to do for us, but doesn’t simply because we haven’t asked yet?  So, why don’t we?

I can observe a few reasons for prayerlessness in my life. Here are three.  

  1. Feeling hurried.  I have a lot to do today, so I can’t take time to pray. 

  2. Avoiding inner work.  I know if I come to God in prayer He will gently nudge me to forgive someone I am irritated with, deal with something I have neglected, or convict me of sin.  Sometimes, I would prefer not to be “x-rayed”, so I avoid prayer. In other words, I am “afraid”.  

  3. Thinking it won’t “work”.  I truly believe that God is all powerful, loving and willing to answer.  I know He answers other people’s prayers.  But sometimes I don’t think He will answer me.  So why bother praying? 

None of these thoughts withstand the light of day.  Just writing them out makes them seem silly.  If you said them out loud to yourself, you would immediately recognize they are wrong.  But unexpressed, thoughts like this can lurk under the surface of our minds and keep us from a vital, loving and healthy connection with our Heavenly Father. 

As I write this, I am sitting in an old former warehouse that is now our church building.  We purchased it in 2005.  Back in the 90’s I said one prayer, (just one mind you) asking God for this building.  I thought immediately after praying it, that is one request that will never be answered.  I was wrong. 

In the past week, I have been reading about miraculous things God has done in the lives of other people.  So, I’ve decided that I am going to honor God by making greater requests of Him.  I am going to ask specific things that can be clearly seen as answered or not.  “He is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask (there is that word again) or think.”  (Ephesians 3:20,21) Do you believe this?  Then ASK!