Join us Sep 16-18 in Carson City! (Printable 2-Day Layout Below)
The crucial need of Jesus’ servants at this disruptive moment in history is to think creatively about His mission in their context. Join other movement-misfits as Jesus refreshes us together and leads us from disruption to discovery.
Register by filling out the google form and our CREO West 2-Day team will reach out to you.
You’re invited for a friendly time of fresh inspiration, relational encouragement, and specialized training to engage in what Holy Spirit is speaking to us today as a multiplication-minded movement. Bring a couple friends and lets enjoy some good food, drink, laughs & mountain hikes together!
Westside Pour House, 110 W Telegraph St, Carson City NV
*Each morning there will be 7am group hikes & 9am coffee meetups before our sessions.
Ciick here for more information about our host site.
These two hotels are within 10 minutes walking distance from our locale.
Hardman House (2 adults $70/night) The Carson City Plaza (2 adults-$80/night)
*If you would like help finding a roommate, or help affording the cost of housing please email and we’d love to help.
Optional Saturday-
Sat Sep 18, 10am-4pm “CREO CoLabs Training Intensive” For those that have a heart for the ‘big picture’ acting as a regional connector in your area, networking new expressions of ecclesia.
Cost & Generosity-
You are responsible for the cost of your own meals, reserving your own flight and hotel. During our time together, we will all be given an opportunity to practice generosity to our hosts.
If you would like to give to help others afford the housing, transportation and meals, please note that in our Easy Tithe page here. If you need assistance affording any of your cost please email Jeff Pankratz at We want to help everyone be able to come and play with us!
Pray with Us-
Please intercede for our time together to ideate, innovate, and create for Jesus together. We are in a cultural moment of renewal of all things from social patterns, economic framework, and spiritual hunger. We are asking Jesus for an environment that would help all of us rethink and be renewed.