Creo Collective

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Raiders of the Lost Art

Have you ever walked into someone’s house that resembles a mini mansion? Is everything neat and tidy? Those houses are gorgeous! There’s only one problem. I’m afraid to touch anything. When my kids were younger I remember being afraid that they would break something that I couldn’t afford to replace! Many churches are like that. They have great buildings and great programs. And they have tons of money that they spend on themselves and their own comfort. They sit in their nice buildings and have potlucks and Bible studies. Unfortunately, it’s like the mini mansion that’s too nice to actually use. People are afraid to touch stuff while they’re there. So they either don’t come back or don’t spend much time there! And not much mission happens (if any).

Anyone who has been to my house, either to visit or to come to a worship service, knows that we have four kids. They know that they will see dust bunnies. They know I only like to mow once every other week. They know I don’t weed whack much. We’re super busy! Perhaps someday we will hire a housekeeper. Our cups runneth over! Needless to say, we live in our house. We use it and thoroughly enjoy it! And we’re always inviting people over into our wonderful mess! Nobody cares about the mess. So what do you think church planting and/or mission should look like? Should it be the prim and proper house or the messy house? If we’re doing it right, the Christian life is messy and unpredictable! It’s anything but comfortable! As for my family, it resembles the spiritual version of an Indiana Jones movie! We’ve been chased by spiritual boulders, we’ve jumped out of spiritual planes, and we’ve almost fallen to our deaths many times over the past 8 years as we’ve LEAPED into the world of church planting. 

Four years ago we decided to move to Maryland and tackle a second church plant. And this time it was going to be in a rural area. This time we were going to correct previous mistakes. This time we had a simple plan. This time we were going to do some things different (like start a flower farm and a flag football program)! What could be more adventurous than starting a flower farm? It was a leap of faith to drop everything and start over again. It was a leap of faith when we didn’t know what our income would be like. It was a leap of faith when things changed as soon as we hit the ground in our new area! But it has been an amazing ride. People can sit in their church pew and soak and sour if they want. But when I read the pages of the New Testament, Jesus didn’t have a place to lay his head. Paul was lowered from a city wall so he could run for his life. The New Testament describes a situation that is anything but safe!

Our flower farm has turned out to be riskier and more adventurous than we anticipated. After working like Paul Bunyan cutting down trees, clearing land, running out of money at times, and not knowing if it was all going to work out, God has pulled us through (stronger). A few weeks ago, after thinking that all of this might’ve been a massive failure, I felt like Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams! “If you plant it, they will come.” Well it took three years, but they finally started to come! And yesterday we even sold out of flowers for the first time! And believe me, we planted thousands of flowers! But it didn’t come easy. And we’re still not really promised anything. We just need to follow Jesus, keep trying new things, let the Spirit work, take risks, be adventurous, be patient, and trust that God will get the glory! After all, what are we called to? Are we called to comfort and ease? Or are we called to risk, adventure, and faith?

So pray about whatever crazy thing you think God is calling you to do! And if God says, “GO!” GO! And don’t look back. TAKE A CHANCE! RISK EVERYTHING FOR THE CAUSE OF CHRIST! INVEST EVERYTHING INTO GOD’S KINGDOM! People usually advise having a backup plan. However, a backup plan is the plan you go to when your main plan doesn’t work. But if there is no backup plan, you will rely fully on God to provide and make it happen! Trust me, YOUR plans will probably not work out the way you think they will. But jump in anyway! That’s living dangerously for Jesus! That’s a Jesus style adventure worthy of an Indiana Jones movie title!  So let’s be Raiders of the Lost Art of Mission as we throw caution to the wind and try new things! Amen and Amen.

Keith Hartlaub serves as pastor of The Way Church of Harford County