We now find ourselves in an age where utilitarianism runs the day. What stuff works, what stuff doesnt. We judge for ourselves 'what works' to bring us relationships, success, effectiveness, but it often a selfish lens of 'what works for me'. My day is run by my phone, my google calendar, my family 'to dos'. If we dont practice rhythms to get off that crazy train, we will go off the cliff.

Sabbath is purposed by our Papa to not let the train run off the cliff. Literally, to "stop", sabbath is a stopping mechanism, God designed, to let the people off the train, enjoy the fresh air, the scenery around you, and be present in each and every moment. Yes, I still work, hustle with the kids to stuff, shop and even, heaven forbid, rely on my smart phone! But in all these things we can bring Sabbath into each, giving us a 'stopping point' to breathe, look at a bird and enjoy the colors of its feathers and sound of its call.

For us as a family, it means waking up with my wife and sitting on the edge of my bed before saying or doing anything and just breathing in front of Jesus, acknowledging Jesus is present with me as my brother, friend & Lord. I then turn to my wife in bed, give her my affection and open up a Psalm together to practice His presence together. Its then being present with my kids in the morning where my 8 yr old loves making coffee for us- we chit chat, share our dreams from the night before, get a little goofy, and look outside our picture window together...being still, together.

There are many other 'stopping mechanisms' we can place in our busy days. When I feel the train is about to go off the cliff, which is regularly, my wife & I share about that on our date nights or after the kids go to bed. We invite Jesus to tell us how we can 'stop' or give us another idea for chucking out the rhythms that are causing the train to get away from us. When we can come before Jesus' presence with our spouses, and simply ask Jesus whats up, its so powerful to see Him answer in His perfect way throughout our day or in that moment.

Its been fun getting creative about what would work for our family to 'stop' more, and also fun to hear the kids share how they think we could do a better job of periods of Sabbath in our home. Our tech-free nights, family game nights, and dining room table art sessions have all stemmed out of those simple conversations (when youre in freezing temperatures 9 months out of the year in Minnesota, you need to get creative!) We circle back often to those questions because were always trying to renew our rhythms and find how Jesus wants to give us true rest.

Ok, time to stop.